Event Rules

rules stolen and modified from NHRL


3 minutes, but bots must be designed to sit idle and powered on for up to 3 minutes before the match starts.

Knock Out

Any robot unable to show controlled locomotion after 10 seconds is considered disabled and will be considered a knockout.

Tap Out

Any competitor can forfeit the match at any time by pressing the large red button on their button box. This is considered a tap out, and counted as a loss. The other competitor must stop attacking immediately; continuing to attack after tap out will be viewed as unsportsmanlike.


If officials deem a robot to be a hazard to the crowd or a robot is doing sustained damage to the arena, the judges may prematurely end the match at any time. Purposefully destroying the arena may result in a forced forfeit of the match.


Officials reserve the right to disqualify any competitor for failing to follow basic safety. All robots with a kinetic weapon should have a weapon lock. The lock should not be removed until both bots are in the arena and the doors are about to close.


Officials reserve the right to KO or Disqualify any bot or team for unsportsmanlike conduct.

Final Decision

All judges decisions are final and not subject to review